Tongue-twisting, table-thumping turmoil. That's KAMBA
KAMBA is a loud and unruly tongue twister card game for large groups who are in high spirits. Anytime 6 - 10 people are sitting round a table and looking to raise the roof.....that's KAMBA time.
Everyone plays KAMBA simultaneously, repeating devilish tongue twisters faster and louder - while also passing cards - and (optionally for experts) tackling additional 'Pro' tasks at the same time.

Image of the Kamba tongue twister game box

Kamba Game box with two tongue twister cards displayed

Image shows the reverse side of the box for the tongue twisting family party game KAMBA

Image of the Kamba tongue twister game box
The very rowdy card passing party game...

MEET some of the
Illustrated Tongue Twisters
What THE
People Are Saying

KAMBA - Noisy Family Fun

We really recommend this fun family game KAMBA


KAMBA - Noisy Family Fun
The loudest, most unruly party game in the world. Ever.